Abraham – Journey to financial Wellness – Increasing employee Wellbeing, Productivity, Safety and Your Bottom Line

Abraham - Journey to financial Wellness - Increasing employee Wellbeing, Productivity, Safety and Your Bottom Line

Glenda Abraham – Chief Engagement Officer, Mine Super ABSTRACT In addition to the substantial personal costs, poor financial wellness is a major drag on Australian businesses, costing an estimated $33 billion per annum. According to Workplace Super Specialists of Australia’s ‘Workplace Financial Wellness Index’, employees who lack financial wellness tend to be more stressed, as observed […]

Shorthouse – Not Just Another Tick in the Box

Shorthouse - Not Just Another Tick in the Box

Paul Shorthouse – Senior Training Officer, Simtars ABSTRACT Queensland legislation requires all coal mines, mineral mines and quarries to have an induction process. These inductions, including the current Standard 11 mine induction, address a wide range of topics including risk management, vehicle interaction, fire-fighting and a generic isolation procedure. The underpinning knowledge that is required […]

Burgess-Limerick – Continuous monitoring of Whole-body Vibration

Burgess-Limerick - Continuous monitoring of Whole-body Vibration

Prof Robin Burgess-Limerick – Professor of Human Factors, The University of Queensland ABSTRACT Operators of earth-moving equipment at surface mines are exposed to whole-body vibration. Prolonged exposure to high amplitude whole-body vibration accumulates to cause adverse health effects, particularly back disorders. The potential for instantaneous high impact loading also exists and these high impacts (jolts and […]