James – RESHAPE – A Healthy Weight Initiative: Next Steps

James - RESHAPE – A Healthy Weight Initiative: Next Steps

Associate Professor Carole James – Associate Director, Centre for Resources Health and Safety, The University of Newcastle ABSTRACT Obesity is a major problem in Australia, with over 70% of Australian’s being overweight or obese. Rates of obesity in NSW coal miners are significantly worse (83.4%). Workers who are obese have higher rates of absenteeism, reduced productivity, […]

Masciangioli/Head – Focusing on the Critical Few – ensuring ‘Control Effectiveness’

Masciangioli/Head - Focusing on the Critical Few – ensuring ‘Control Effectiveness’

Anthony Masciangioli – Director and Principal Consultant Darren Head, Principal Consultant, Riskcom Pty Ltd ABSTRACT Risk can often be seen as a disparate set of problems that seem to be unrelated and can result in Boards, Executives and Senior Managers being overwhelmed and exposed as the business struggles to address its issues across many competing priorities. […]

Glennon – An Insight into Tyre Maintenance Critical Risk and Control Process

Glennon - An Insight into Tyre Maintenance Critical Risk and Control Process

Greg Glennon – Operations Manager, Otraco International Pty Ltd ABSTRACT Tyres are pressure vessels, potentially containing several hundred tonnes of force, and they are continuously exposed to operational damage. The risk of a fatality during a tyre maintenance activity on an Australian mine site is in the order of ten times higher than that for a […]

Kennedy – Future Mining Research for the Queensland Government

Kennedy - Future Mining Research for the Queensland Government

Dr Gareth Kennedy – Director, Mine Safety Technology Research Centre, Simtars ABSTRACT Simtars commenced operation in 1986, with purpose-built analytical and research facilities commissioned at Redbank in 1988. The Queensland Government established Simtars following the tragedies of Box Flat Colliery and Kianga No 1 Colliery explosions, which occurred in the 1970’s. Over the last 30 years […]

Bajic – Challenges Past Aleksinac Mine Disaster

Bajic - Challenges Past Aleksinac Mine Disaster

Dr Snezana Bajic – Technical Services Manager, Simtars ABSTRACT There have been many mine disasters in the last century, globally. The common issues faced by mine rescue teams is re-entering the mine to rescue or recover. This paper will focus on actions and risks associated to decisions made during a past major mine disaster in south […]

Watkinson – 2018 Level 1 exercise Preliminary feedback

Watkinson - 2018 Level 1 exercise Preliminary feedback

Martin Watkinson – Executive Mining Engineer, Simtars ABSTRACT The 2018 Level 1 Mine Emergency exercise held at Grosvenor mine in July 2018 is the 21st Level 1 exercise held in Queensland. This paper and presentation will provide preliminary feedback to industry on the learnings and recommendations from review of the assessor inputs. The scenario will be […]

Sylvestre – The Role of Brain Chemistry in Mining Incidents

Sylvestre - The Role of Brain Chemistry in Mining Incidents

Cristian Sylvestre – Managing Director, HabitSafe ABSTRACT Most organisations think of personal safety in terms of hazards, knowledge or conscious decisions. Although these have merit, and may be part of an overall solution, they are not enough to prevent all incidents in mining. So, what is missing? Neuroscience estimates that 95% of what we do is […]

Russell – Building the Next Generation of Safety Leaders

Russell - Building the Next Generation of Safety Leaders

Andrew Russell – Managing Director, Actrua ABSTRACT Actrua The Safety Leader of the future will be different to the Safety Leader of today. How different? We predict the role will be vastly different. The term VUCA that was created by the US Military is used to describe a workplace that is Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. […]

Timboe/Austin – A focus on Culture Delivers Big Safety Change

Timboe/Austin - A focus on Culture Delivers Big Safety Change

Kellen Timboe – Account Manager, Caterpillar Solutions, Caterpillar of Australia Adam Austin – Health and Safety Manager, HSE Mining ABSTRACT Getting buy-in to big safety change at every level of the organisation, from the leadership team to the operator crews, is an essential component of any culture-change process. This presentation will offer hands-on insights into how HSE […]