Manthey – Assessment of the Implementation of QGL02

Manthey - Assessment of the Implementation of QGL02

Greg Manthey Inspector of Mines – Occupational Hygiene, Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy Effectively controlling worker exposure to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) in mineral mines and quarries (MMQ) is an ongoing challenge. Increasing cases of mine dust lung disease show this has not yet been met. RCS can cause silicosis, lung cancer, chronic […]

Djukic – Inhalable Dust: Nuisance or Health Hazard?

Djukic - Inhalable Dust: Nuisance or Health Hazard?

Fritz Djukic Inspector, (Occupational Hygiene), Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy Inhalable dust refers to all dust that may enter the mouth and nose during normal breathing. Inhalable dust may be divided into ‘respirable’ and ‘non- respirable’ fractions. The dust particle size will ultimately determine the site of deposition within the respiratory system. Respirable […]

Complacency Kills!

Complacency Kills!

The provision of information, instruction, training and supervision is an essential component of any risk management strategy. A robust training and assessment program is fundamental to the safety of not only those conducting tasks, but also other workers and people who may be affected by their work. Can our training and assessment programs be more […]

Holmes – Take Out the Guesswork – Reduce Fatigue, Enhance Wellbeing

Holmes - Take Out the Guesswork - Reduce Fatigue, Enhance Wellbeing

Mark Holmes Chairman, Circadian Australia Until recently, key decisions on fitness for duty in the mining industry relied on subjective self-assessment by individual workers and subjective assessments made by Supervisors and Health and Safety Professionals. Circadian Australia’s holistic approach to enhancing Sleep Quality, Sleep Quantity, Alertness, Safety, Health, Wellbeing and the Sustainable Resilience of workers […]

Lingwood – Circadian Rhythms and Fatigue

Lingwood - Circadian Rhythms and Fatigue

Dr. Andrew Lingwood Director and Consultant Occupational and Environmental Physician, OccPhyz Consulting Fatigue is a vital health and safety issue in the mining industry with a multitude of medical and organisational causes and implications. This presentation will focus on the nature of circadian rhythms and how they can contribute to fatigue. The ways in which […]

Hawkins – Surface Zones: Coordination of Multiple Work Areas

Hawkins - Surface Zones: Coordination of Multiple Work Areas

Ian Hawkins Seam Gas Manager, Anglo American – Moranbah North Mine Minimising risk to our people is Anglo American’s number one priority. Anglo American has implemented a system to improve the control of works being conducted on the surface to support the underground operations. Recognising that unplanned work can often be the most unsafe, Moranbah […]

Sylvestre – Understanding Human Decision Making to Future- Proof Safety Behaviour

Sylvestre - Understanding Human Decision Making to Future- Proof Safety Behaviour

Cristian Sylvestre Managing Director, HabitSafe There has been considerable research (empirical studies and academic papers) during the last 10 years investigating human decision making. The most disruptive discovery is that what we think of as a deliberate choice (an “active” conscious decision) happens fundamentally in the subconscious and is fed to the conscious mind very […]

Rasche – A Study to Investigate Uncontrolled Tyre and Rim Disassembly

Rasche - A Study to Investigate Uncontrolled Tyre and Rim Disassembly

Dr. Tilman Rasche Principal Mining Engineer, Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy The Minerals Council of Australia has identified that tyre fitters at mining operations are ten times more likely to be killed at work than mine diesel mechanics (Hassal 2016). Rim disassembly is particularly hazardous and resulted in seven fatalities in the Australasian […]

Bulger – Fatal Hazards and Critical Controls in Surface Coal Mines

Bulger - Fatal Hazards and Critical Controls in Surface Coal Mines

Creswick Bulger Senior Inspector of Mines, Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy This paper discusses critical controls – those which can prevent fatal and catastrophic events from occurring in Queensland surface coal mines. To understand what the critical controls are we have to identify all fatal hazards in surface coal mines. Analysis of all […]