Barr/Melkersson – Lung Disease Screening in Queensland Coal Mining

Barr/Melkersson - Lung Disease Screening in Queensland Coal Mining

Dean Barr A/Director, Coal Mine Workers’ Health Scheme Kerri Melkersson Director, Health Surveillance Unit, Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy Since the re-identification of coal workers’ pneumoconiosis in Queensland in 2015, and reforms resultant from the Monash and UIC independent expert review of 2016, the department has implemented improved screening methods for the detection […]

Ray – Safety Leadership: It Starts and Ends with Me

Ray - Safety Leadership: It Starts and Ends with Me

Michelle Ray CEO and Founder, Certified Speaking Professional, Lead Yourself First Enterprise Born in Australia and now residing in Vancouver, Michelle is a health and safety speaker renowned for her expertise on leadership, accountability, influence and building outstanding safety cultures. Michelle has worked with hundreds of leaders and their teams in diverse industries including occupational […]

Tynan – Health-e Mines: Virtual Health System to Improve Mental Health

Tynan - Health-e Mines: Virtual Health System to Improve Mental Health

Dr Ross Tynan Research Lead, Everymind Supporting a healthy workforce has a range of potential benefits: improved employee performance and morale, improved safety, cost benefits, and broader social benefits to employees, their families and community. Achieving such gains requires timely and early access to effective options for providing health in a form that is tailored […]

Tynan/Rogers – Mental Health, Drug Use and Fatigue – Managing the Dangerous Synergy with an Integrated FFW Program

Tynan/Rogers - Mental Health, Drug Use and Fatigue - Managing the Dangerous Synergy with an Integrated FFW Program

Dr. Philip Tynan National Toxicologist, Safe Work Laboratories Dr. Naomi Rogers Sleep and Fatigue Specialist, Naomi Rogers Fatigue Despite longstanding industry attention to worksite safety, Safe Work Australia reported a 51% rise in serious injury claims in the mining sector from 2000 to 2014. There is a dangerous self-reinforcing relationship between workplace accidents and mental […]

Allen – Safety Norms Predict Reported Risk- Taking Among Australian Coal Miners: An Exploratory Longitudinal Analysis

Allen - Safety Norms Predict Reported Risk- Taking Among Australian Coal Miners: An Exploratory Longitudinal Analysis

Dr. Rebecca Allen Researcher, School of Psychology, The University of Newcastle Coal mining has been internationally recognised as a high-risk industry with high fatality rates in comparison to other occupations. Within the Australian coal mining industry, the level of occupational risk has been identified as 70% higher than the national average. The present study undertook […]

Young – Safety Differently – What is it, and Will it Work in Mining?

Young - Safety Differently - What is it, and Will it Work in Mining?

Christian Young Managing Director, Impress Solutions Pty Ltd Safety Differently describes a movement within the safety community to change the perspective of organisations in three key areas – the definition of safety, the role of people, and the focus of the organisation. Traditional or “normal” safety management tends to view these three areas in this […]

Pope/Wall – Behavioural Safety: Using Predictive Analytics to get More from Your Safety Observations

Pope/Wall - Behavioural Safety: Using Predictive Analytics to get More from Your Safety Observations

David Pope Principal, POPEHSE Pty Ltd Richard Wall CEO, EMEX Behavioural Safety is helping many organisations make inroads into improving safety performance. Founded on decades of psychology research, behavioural safety positively reinforces target behaviours. By interacting in a positive manner, the studies indicate behavioural change is initiated. Interactions occur between people and is often called […]

Casey – LEAD Safety Culture: A Practical Toolkit for the Mining Industry

Casey - LEAD Safety Culture: A Practical Toolkit for the Mining Industry

Dr. Tristan Casey Lecturer, Griffith University What exactly is a ‘safety culture’? How is one achieved (and is it even possible)? What is the link between leadership and safety culture? As a result of the plethora of answers to these questions, there is also diversity of approaches to safety culture improvement within mining. The LEAD […]

Marinoff – Respirable Crystalline Silica in Mining

Marinoff - Respirable Crystalline Silica in Mining

Darren Marinoff Principal Consultant – Occupational Hygiene, Greencap The high-risk nature of the Mining and Resources industry prescribes multiple layers of safety requirements that workers need to undertake to access a site and carry out specific works safely. Greencap’s depth of experience in occupational health and safety within the Mining and Resources Industry includes the […]