Goonawardene/Crosby – Strata Monitoring with 3D Laser Scanner in an Underground Coal Mine

Goonawardene/Crosby - Strata Monitoring with 3D Laser Scanner in an Underground Coal Mine

Ravindu Goonawardene Geology Geotechnical Superintendent Chris Crosby Surrey Superintendent, Anglo American Grosvenor Mine The risk of fatalities due to roof and rib failures is still prevalent in underground coal mines which highlights the fundamental importance of monitoring roof and ribs in underground roadways. Monitoring strata deformation and convergence in underground roadways is a key metric […]

Parmar – Incident Investigation of Equipment in Coal Mining

Parmar - Incident Investigation of Equipment in Coal Mining

Bipin Parmar Principal Engineer, Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy The potential for a gas or dust explosion, arising from misuse, failure or lack of maintenance of electrical equipment in underground coal mines is high. In order to reduce the risk of a failure, pre-overhaul audits on the Explosionprotected (Ex) certified equipment are conducted. […]

Dell – Accidents and Injuries in Australia are at Epidemic Proportions: Regulatory Changes and a Paradigm Shift in Understanding and Safety Management Practices are Needed

Dell - Accidents and Injuries in Australia are at Epidemic Proportions: Regulatory Changes and a Paradigm Shift in Understanding and Safety Management Practices are Needed

Assoc. Prof. Geoff Dell Head of Transport and Safety Science Courses, Central Queensland University Accidents and injuries in Australia are at epidemic proportions, the annual direct costs to the economy are now over $80 billion and the associated long term social impacts and suffering of individuals and their families are immeasurable. Clearly, existing strategies and […]

Carnell – Addressing Incident Underreporting in Mining

Carnell - Addressing Incident Underreporting in Mining

Ben Carnell Principal Consultant, Sentis Accurate and timely reporting of safety incidents is a crucial component of a positive safety culture. These invaluable learning opportunities allow us to adapt, make improvements and prevent future injury. Yet, recent Australian data has found that on average, 31% of incidents go unreported and in some organisations this figure […]

Haddrick/McKay – Fatigue – Finding Common Ground and Improving Safety

Haddrick/McKay - Fatigue - Finding Common Ground and Improving Safety

Mathew Haddrick Site Safety and Health Representative Brent McKay BMA Saraji Mine The mining industry has historically managed fatigue in an ad hoc fashion. A majority of leaders simply told their employees to “toughen up and deal with it” this is all part of the job. The slightly better leaders would encourage their employees to […]

Bongers – Fatigue Monitoring in Queensland Coal: Case Study

Bongers - Fatigue Monitoring in Queensland Coal: Case Study

Dr. Daniel Bongers Chief Technology Officer, SmartCap Technologies Operator fatigue monitoring has been embraced in mining operations worldwide, with one glaring exception – Queensland Coal Operations. Why? Legislation requires workforce consent when introducing any initiative that the incorporates a criteria of assessment of a coal mine worker’s fitness for duty. This presentation will detail an […]

Krasny – The State of Fatigue in the Mining Industry – Analysing Fatigue Data Across Australia, the United States, South America and Africa

Krasny - The State of Fatigue in the Mining Industry - Analysing Fatigue Data Across Australia, the United States, South America and Africa

Jenny Krasny Senior Customer Safety & Fatigue Consultant, Caterpillar Inc.- Caterpillar Safety Services Sleep deprivation, abnormal sleeping patterns, long commute times, and highly repetitive, sustained and monotonous tasks are common predictors of fatigue across the mining industry. Fatigue is a reality that our industry faces, and while all would agree that it is a critical […]

Haylock – Workforce Education and Training Cut–Through

Haylock - Workforce Education and Training Cut–Through

Bill Haylock Director, Green Ticket All mine sites have two things in common—workers and risks. Their workforce, the company’s biggest asset, need to be trained efficiently and effectively on hazards’, risks’ and incidents’ management. Mine site workers handle highstakes machinery and dangerous substances in high-risk settings. The success of risk procedures for a company depends […]

Mackay – Digitalisation: Information at Our Employees’ Fingertips

Mackay - Digitalisation: Information at Our Employees’ Fingertips

Larnie Mackay Operations Scheduler, Anglo American-Moranbah North Mine Anglo American has introduced Australia’s first certified, electronic tablet device for use in underground coal mines. The device provides real-time access to CITECT data for Hazard Awareness and system monitoring, as well as Anglo American’s latest Safety and Health Management processes and documentation. Developed in collaboration with […]

Schneider – Managing Reported Chronic Occupational Lung Disorders

Schneider - Managing Reported Chronic Occupational Lung Disorders

Assoc. Prof. John Schneider Occupational Physician, James Cook University, Mackay Clinical Campus Increasing awareness of workplace dust exposure due to media reporting of pneumoconioses such as “black lung” and silicosis, has resulted in increased health surveillance, radiological investigation and notification of possible work related lung disorders. The most common chronic lung condition associated with significant […]