Cobcroft/Gil-Sanchez/Manousso – Real-time Bund Monitoring

Cobcroft/Gil-Sanchez/Manousso - Real-time Bund Monitoring

Tom Cobcroft GM/SSE Capcoal Surface Operations Dev Gil-Sanchez Business Improvement Specialist, Anglo American – Capcoal Open Cut Anthony Manousso Control Systems Coordinator, Anglo American – Capcoal Open Cut Bunds are a safety critical control in open pit mining to prevent and mitigate risks associated with heavy vehicle operations. Between 2014-2019 at Capcoal Surface we have […]

Leppard – Synthetic Light Weight Couplings

Leppard - Synthetic Light Weight Couplings

Josh Leppard Overburden Supervisor, BMA Saraji Mine Tragically Saraji Mine had a fatality on New Year’s Eve 2018 involving a bulldozer rolling down an embankment. The first responders to this incident required the use of heavy duty slings and shackles to upright the dozer. This involved personnel traversing down a steep embankment on undulated ground […]

Owens/Zanette – Broadmeadow Proximity Detection System

Owens/Zanette - Broadmeadow Proximity Detection System

Glenn Owens Project Manager, BMA Engineering Dave Zanette Project Supervisor, BMA Engineering The Broadmeadow Proximity Detection (PDS) Project was initiated to address the risk of vehicle to pedestrian and vehicle to vehicle interactions in a low visibility environment. There have been numerous deaths and injuries which have occurred due to workers being contacted or crushed […]

Goonawardene/Crosby – Use of Laser Scanners in an Underground Coal Mine for Strata Monitoring, Drift Convergence & Incident Investigations

Goonawardene/Crosby - Use of Laser Scanners in an Underground Coal Mine for Strata Monitoring, Drift Convergence & Incident Investigations

Ravindu Goonawardene Geology and Geotechnical Superintendent, Anglo American – Grosvenor Mine Chris Crosby Surveying Superintendent, Anglo American – Grosvenor Mine The risk of fatalities due to roof and rib failures is still prevalent in underground coal mines which highlights the fundamental importance of monitoring roof and ribs in underground roadways. Monitoring strata deformation and convergence […]

Howell/Pendrigh – Water Treatment Plant Inlet Screen Blower

Howell/Pendrigh - Water Treatment Plant Inlet Screen Blower

David Howell Tailings and Water Coordinator, Rio Tinto Weipa Operations Luke Pendrigh Tailings and Water Electrician, Rio Tinto Weipa Operations During normal operation at the Water Treatment Plant the inlet screen in the Bio Reactor blocks with debris, sludge and fecal matter. The cleaning of the inlet screen was a laborious task that exposed maintainers […]

Goonawardene/Elliot – Proactive Floor Fracturing Using UIS Drilling

Goonawardene/Elliot - Proactive Floor Fracturing Using UIS Drilling

Rav Goonawardene Geology and Geotechnical Superintendent, Anglo American – Grosvenor Mine Ben Elliot Trainee ERZ Controller, Anglo American – Grosvenor Mine A series of floor heave and gas inrush events have occurred during the development mining process in MG103 and MG104 at Grosvenor Underground Coal Mine. These events have exposed coal mine workers to elevated […]

Zanette/Batterson – Broadmeadow Battery Electric Vehicle for UG Coal

Zanette/Batterson - Broadmeadow Battery Electric Vehicle for UG Coal

Dave Zanette Project Supervisor, BMA Andrew Batterson BMA Engineering The Broadmeadow Battery Electric Vehicle project was initiated to address the residual Similar Exposure Groups (SEG) exposure to Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM). Over the last 3 years, Broadmeadow (BRM) has successfully completed a number of projects to reduce occupational exposures to DPM for the underground SEGs. […]

Ramsay – Diamond Wire Saw Mobile Unit

Ramsay - Diamond Wire Saw Mobile Unit

Matt Ramsay Drilling Superintendent – Gas, Anglo American – Moranbah North Mine The Problem The rehabilitation of redundant Mine Service boreholes requires the shearing and removal of cemented 20” Steel casing at 1.5m below the ground surface. This process previously required the entry into the excavation and the risk associated with the manual handling of […]

Lansdowne – Blind Intersection Warning LED Indication

Lansdowne - Blind Intersection Warning LED Indication

Rod Lansdowne Outbye Electrical Coordinator The Problem A recent incident report identified a “Near Miss” at an underpass intersection between the 2nd main travel routes of the mine, involving a loader and a man transporter. Safety meetings with crews identified that with the LED strip lighting underground, it made it difficult to identify vehicles entering […]

Hanrahan – Nitrogen Foam Table

Hanrahan - Nitrogen Foam Table

Clive Hanrahan Operations Manager – Mine Inertisation, Queensland Mines Rescue Service Due to the mining environments in some underground operations, particularly longwalls, where the void space in the goaf becomes wider and longer, the potential for spontaneous combustion and fire events is possible and, in some cases, has happened. The nitrogen foam table is relatively […]