83 videos found
Tamone - Safety Glasses - Lens Coatings, Tints and New Designs
Michael Tamone State Sales Manager – Queensland, uvex safety Australia uvex is established as a world leading ...
Tomicek - Measure Haul Road Friction Using an iPhone
Eric Tomicek Sales Manager, Australian Diversified Engineering ADE is passionate about haul roads and efficient ...
Tynan - Health-e Mines: Virtual Health System to Improve Mental Health
Dr Ross Tynan Research Lead, Everymind Supporting a healthy workforce has a range of potential benefits: improved ...
Tynan - Workplace Wastewater Drug Testing - A Real-Time Snapshot of Actual Drug Use Rates in Australia
Dr. Philip Tynan National Toxicologist, Safe Work Laboratories It is widely accepted Customs and Police Drug ...
Tynan/Rogers - Mental Health, Drug Use and Fatigue - Managing the Dangerous Synergy with an Integrated FFW Program
Dr. Philip Tynan National Toxicologist, Safe Work Laboratories Dr. Naomi Rogers Sleep and Fatigue Specialist, Naomi ...
Viljoen- An Industry Without Fatalities
Natascha Viljoen Group Head of Processing, Anglo American Natascha is responsible for Group Processing, a ...
Worland/Collins/Forsyth - Fail-Safe Compressed Air Cleaning
Simon Worland Caltex Dr Dave Collins and James Forsyth Synergetics Consulting Engineers Use of compressed air to ...
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Queensland Mining Industry Health & Safety Conference