316 videos found
Smith - Managing Cognitive Fatigue and Brain-Centred Hazards
Warren Smith Executive Consultant, Dekra Insight Australia Organisations commonly put controls in place to address ...
Spencer - Drone Technology: Safety and Innovation in Mining
Dr Joel Spencer – Chief Executive Officer, The Institute for Drone Technology ABSTRACT The mining industry has been ...
Spinks - THE WAKE UP CALL…The Game Changer
Paul Spinks is the Game Changer: The Wake Up Call: Paramedic + Trauma Counsellor + Speaker Paramedic Paul Spinks ...
Storch - Systemisation Eliminating Human Error
Mick Storch Managing Director, 4PS Software 4PS software is an innovative Australian owned and operated company ...
Stubley/Morrell - Critical Incident Leadership - Applying Best Practice Psychological First Aid
Michael Stubley – Principal Consultant – Rapid Response Geri Morrell – Client Manager – Resources Sector and ...
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