316 videos found
Holmes - Take Out the Guesswork - Reduce Fatigue, Enhance Wellbeing
Mark Holmes Chairman, Circadian Australia Until recently, key decisions on fitness for duty in the mining industry ...
Hopkins - Creating a High Reliability Organisation
Emeritus Professor Andrew Hopkins AO, Australian National University
Horberry/Way - Fatigue Management in Queensland Mining Industry
Prof Tim Horberry, Professor of Human Factors, Minerals Industry Safety and Health Centre and Dr Kirsten Way, ...
Houldsworth/Russell - Switching on Integrated Safety Systems in Glencore’s North Queensland Copper Assets
Graham Houldsworth Principal Advisor – Strategy and Compliance, Glencore Copper Assets Andrew Russell Managing ...
Howell/Pendrigh - Water Treatment Plant Inlet Screen Blower
David Howell Tailings and Water Coordinator, Rio Tinto Weipa Operations Luke Pendrigh Tailings and Water ...
Hudson - Climbing the Culture Ladder and Not Falling Off
Prof Patrick Hudson, Delft University of Technology and Hudson Global Consulting
Industry Sharing with Industry
In continuing with the desire from industry to share in key learnings from site-related incidents and following on ...
Industry Sharing with Industry 2018
Chaired by Darren Nicholls, Glencore Coal Assets Queensland, with participants from relevant sites. Continuing ...
Innovation award presentations, Day 2, 2022 Conference
Full session - Presentations by the five finalists selected from the first round of judging
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