2018 Conference Presentations

The recordings of these presentations is proudly sponsored by

Competencies for Mine Supervisors

Chair: Greg Dalliston – Industry Safety & Health Representative, CFMEU Mining and Energy Division Queensland Region

This is your opportunity to influence the standard of supervision in our industry. Over the last few years, the industry has had a number of serious and fatal accidents where effective supervision has been raised as a contributing factor.

This session will include a brief introduction to the reasons why the review into the three units of competency (Risk Management, Accident Investigation and Communications) is being undertaken, with Industry, Department and Unions represented.

It will then be open to give attendees a chance to have input into a review of what skills and competencies the industry sees as being required to assist persons appointed as supervisors to ensure that the work under their care is conducted to an acceptable level of risk, their responsibilities and obligations to the workers being supervised and that safety and health related information is passed on to those continuing with that work at the mine.

The session will conclude with a summary of the issues raised which will be fed back into the Project Committee through the IRC, SSO and PWC.

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